Friday, November 20, 2009

??? Obviously, I'm busy and feeling better!

I don't really know if there will be much point to continue this blog. I actually kind of like blogging, but there isn't much to say about this subject anymore. I am continuing to lose weight. I have lost over 100 lbs total since I started this process last July/August. I am really happy that I made this decision! I do tend to update on facebook fairly often, or you can always email me and ask questions! I appreciate the prayers and support that I have gotten from all of you! <3


Monday, October 5, 2009

It's been too long!

Today is October 5th. I am two months past surgery and I haven't written anything on here in the past month or so.

We traveled to IN to see Bethany and I had a horrible experience there that I do not want to ever repeat! It's called frothing and basically it was like puking foam for about an hour. Needless to say, Steve will not be talking me into trying to pick something from a fast food restaurant again!

I have been starting to work out and that has been going okay. I definitely had to do some easing into it, but I am reaching my goals early and am feeling much stronger!

I have done a couple of massages and that is going well too. The only thing is that with the economy down, people are not breaking down my door to get in!

I have lost 39 lbs since surgery on Aug. 3rd, so I am now down 89 lbs! I am really looking forward to dancing my happy dance when I officially break the 200lb barrier! It really should happen this week. :) I had my support group meeting tonight and I have made some really great friends there.

I will try to keep this updated more often. Thanks for all your support!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

I saw my chiropractor today

I have been having low back pain and trouble with sharp pains in my legs when I try to rest. I have had this problem before, but it has been awhile. Yesterday, I tested it out to see if I could lay on my stomach and I can, so I made an appointment today. I am already moving better. It will take some time, but I am hopeful that I won't need pain meds to sleep tonight!

I had a problem with my dinner tonight. I ate too fast again. I need to slow down! I really have to concentrate on that. One thing that makes it kind of hard is that I am not allowed to drink 20 min. before I eat and for a full 30 min. after. So, instead of taking sips of liquid in between bites to slow down, I just have to put my fork down. If I get distracted by something and eat to fast, my poor little pouch feels like it is going to explode out of my chest! You would think that since I have had that happen one other time that I would be more careful already! I am hoping that I don't make try for a third time!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Took a walk today!

Steve and I have been trying to take small walks every once in awhile. Today, we circled around the apartment complex. We tried to go twice, but about 2/3's of the way around ... I got too tired. Steve checked the "mileage" as he drove the car to come and get me. One circle is a little over 4/10's of a mile. So we are estimating that I walked about 7/10's of a mile. I know it probably seems trite, but I was very excited. I did get quite dizzy, but that has been happening even when I am not exercising. It isn't a weak, shaky type of dizzy ... it's really a vertigo type thing. I will be seeing my surgeon again in a week. If I am still having that kind of trouble, then I will bring it up and see what he thinks.

I am getting about half the water that I need at the moment, but I am finally starting to learn how to sip without getting air in my pouch. That will make it easier to continue to build on! I can eat between 1/2 of an oz to 3/4 of an oz of food at a time. I eat 3 times a day and I am honestly not hungry for more.

Yesterday was the one month mark. So far I have lost 26 lbs since surgery. So that means 76 lbs in the past year. I am pretty happy about that! :)

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Sleep would be good!

The last several nights, I am only getting about 5 hours of sleep a night. I am getting up and walking around, but my back is still very sore. My erector spinae group (muscle that keep spine erect in sitting and standing positions) are the problem! Last night at 3 am, Steve flipped my mattress. That did help, but I have got to start getting better sleep!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

The soreness factor...

Everything is starting to heal up, but I am still so sore. I have an abdominal bind that I can wear that does help support my muscles. I will definitely being wearing it for awhile, especially when I am working out and probably even working. I am struggling with it right now though ... I seem to swallow a lot of air and the bind does not make gas pain feel better! I am really working on that swallowing air thing, but ... I just don't know what my problem is with that!

I have had a very tough week emotionally. I have a friend in the hospital and she is suffering a lot. Bethany left for college and I couldn't go with. (She is 8 hours away!). On the up-side, Nicole is here to help and she is wonderful. Also, I can't emotional eat ... so that is a good thing! ;)

Monday, August 24, 2009

More IV fluids and some real food!

I went in this morning and my NP decided that some more fluids would be a good idea. My numbers from my blood draw today weren't bad, but she wanted to give me some extra boost. I am only drinking about 30 oz a day right now ... which is better than the end of last week, but is still not enough.

I have been watering down my propel, which helped cut the sweetness to a tolerable level. My sister-in-law, Teri, suggested it and it has been working out great. I got lots of great suggestions from my friends on facebook, so that was awesome.

Today I am able to start eating protein in its normal form. It was so exciting! :) So, I had a small part of a cheeseburger (no bun). I have to make sure I chew it really well, but it tasted so much better than pureed chicken!